Legal notices


Registered as a SAS in the Saint Etienne Trade and Company Register under number RCS 378877153

Adress : ANDRÉ LAURENT SAS BP 20028 – La Ricamarie 42505 La Chambon Feugerolles CEDEX

DIRECTOR OF THE PUBLICATION : Monsieur Jean-Jacques LAURENT, Président

Hosting site

Cornut Informatique – “le Millénium” 1 rue de la Presse – BP 716 42950 Saint-Etienne Cedex 9


The Website is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, subject to the occurrence of a case of unforeseeable circumstances (force majeure) or an event beyond the control of ANDRÉ LAURENT and unless interruption, suspension or limitation in the course of maintenance operations and/or update necessary for the proper functioning of the Website or for any other reason, notably technical reason.

ANDRÉ LAURENT is only bound to an obligation of means concerning the accessibility, the operation and/or the availability of the Site or its content. ANDRÉ LAURENT reserves the right to interrupt, suspend or limit access to all or part of the Website or its content, in particular due to legal or technical constraints.

Anyone visiting the Website expressly acknowledges that interruptions, suspensions or limitations mentioned above may occur at any time, without prior notice, and that they will not be entitled to any obligation or compensation for their own benefit.


ANDRÉ LAURENT makes its best efforts to keep the Website up-to-date and to disseminate reliable, lawful and validated. However, despite all the care and attention given to the writing of content and information, ANDRÉ LAURENT cannot guarantee the integrity, accuracy, completeness, timeliness or other quality of information on the Website.

The information published on the Website provided by ANDRÉ LAURENT is strictly and exclusively informative and indicative.

The visitor of the Website is informed that access to the Website implies knowledge and acceptance of the characteristics and the limits of the Internet, in particular as far as technical performance, the response time for consulting, examining or transferring information, the risk of interruption, and more generally, the risks inherent in any connection and transmission over the internet, the lack of protection of certain data against possible diversions and the risk of contamination by any viruses circulating on the network. It is therefore the responsibility of the visitor of the Website to take all appropriate measures to protect his/her own data and / or software stored on his/her computer equipment, as well as the information the visitor communicates to ANDRÉ LAURENT on the Website, against any infringement.

The Site is made available “as it is” and is subject to availability, without any guarantee of any kind, implicit or explicit, from ANDRÉ LAURENT. Without limiting the foregoing, ANDRÉ LAURENT does not grant any guarantee of non-infringement of the rights of a third-party, in particular suitability of the Website or its contents for a particular purpose or adequacy to the visitor’s needs of the Website, nor does it guarantee that they are free from anomalies, errors or glitches or that they will work without failure or interruption.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, ANDRÉ LAURENT expressly excludes its liability for any damage, direct or indirect, arising out of or in connection with access to the Website or any of its contents, use, malfunction or unavailability regardless of its nature and duration.


The Website may contain hypertext links to third-party websites. ANDRÉ LAURENT has no control over the contents of third-party websites referenced by hypertext links. These websites are published by third-party companies independent of ANDRÉ LAURENT. ANDRÉ LAURENT cannot therefore assume any responsibility for the content, advertising, products, services or any other information or available data on or accessible via those sites. Consequently, the visitor of the Website acknowledges being solely responsible for the access and use of these sites. ANDRÉ LAURENT cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss proven or alleged consecutive or in connection with the use or the fact of having trusted the contents, goods or services available on these sites.


The Website, its general structure and all its contents are protected by intellectual property rights (in particular copyright, trademark law, patent law, database producers’ right, domain names and all other existing or future intellectual property rights, French and international) and belongs to ANDRÉ LAURENT or to third-parties having authorized ANDRÉ LAURENT to exploit them.

The names and logos ANDRÉ LAURENT as well as the general structure, texts, logos and the names of the products and services offered by ANDRÉ LAURENT on the Website have been registered as trademarks of ANDRÉ LAURENT. Any representation, reproduction and/or exploitation, total or partial, of these trademarks, of any nature whatsoever, is totally prohibited.

Violation of the foregoing stipulations would expose the offender and any person responsible to criminal and civil penalties provided by law, including damages for infringement of intellectual property rights.


ANDRÉ LAURENT is concerned with the protection of personal data of visitors to the Website and undertakes to protect them in accordance with the applicable regulations and in particular the (EU) Regulation No.2016/679 of April 27, 2016 called “General Data Protection Regulation” or “GDPR” and in accordance with the French Data Protection and Freedom of Information Law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 called new “Loi Informatique et Liberté”. The processing of personal data of visitors to the Website is governed by the Privacy Policy and Cookies Management of the Website, which the visitor is invited to consult at the following address:


For any information concerning the Website and its contents, you can contact ANDRÉ LAURENT by mail at the following address: ANDRÉ LAURENT, ANDRÉ LAURENT, Service Communication, ZI DU BAYON, 42150 LA RICAMARIE (France) or by email with our contact form.